Some News

Hello friends!
In the midst of a very busy season of what has been a kind of crazy year, and anticipating a holiday season that will no doubt be fraught with all sorts of, well, who knows what, I am very happy to share some good news!
As many of my subscribers know, I’ve been working on my book The Witching Hour: How Witches Enchanted the World for a number of years. This is the culmination and expression of my many years of analyzing media and popular culture portrayals of witchcraft and the occult (and yes, the research portion has been thoroughly enjoyable). I knew that once this project felt far enough along (yes I am still writing it!) I would find a good home for it.
Well, I am pleased to report that I now have a fantastic ally in this quest. I have signed with a literary agency who will help shepherd this project through the next steps of finding a publisher. The Stimola Literary Studio is a very fine outfit that has helped many authors publish their books (including the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins).
I am delighted to be working with them and I hope you’re as excited as I am at the prospect of my book, a long labor of love, finally coming into the world. I’ll be sure to post any updates and news here in the coming months. Until then, I hope you’re enjoying a beautiful late autumn. The sky is blue and the landscape is golden here in New York. May your season of harvest bring you much to be grateful for.