Lammas! All Hail the Season of Harvest!

It’s hard to believe my last post here was at summer solstice! A lot has happened this summer. And now we’re at the third of the summer season festivals, Lammas, celebration of harvest! I have harvested much but am stil tending many crops and plants and plans…
For one thing, I was sick for nearly a month in June. I kept testing negative for COVID, but I think that’s what it was (yes, I’m 93% sure it finally got me after five years). Mask, up, everyone, we’re in a massive surge, with Olympic athletes dropping out from competition due to infection and illness.
Speaking of the Olympics, how about that Dionysian opening ceremony?? I was thrilled and amazed by this artistic vision, loved all the gorgeous costumes and drag queens, and rolled my eyes repeatedly at all the frothing angry responses calling it “disgusting” and “woke”—people, just enjoy the show the way the ancient Greeks would have wanted you to! I plan to write about it in more detail soon…
After falling behind on some work and projects due to illness, I’m happy to report I’m feeling better and getting back to working on things. I did two new interviews for my podcast The Witching Hour, and have two more lined up to do soon!
Work continues on my book, and am nearly done polishing two chapters for my proposal. I’m still editing the folk horror anthology and hope to be finished with that in August. And I’m still writing witchy screenplays! I’ll update you on these projects as developments happen…
I’m also very excited to say I’m starting a super-secret new writing project with one of my favorite people who I’ve collaborated on several projects with in the past: more soon!
I like to have occasional seasonal specials for new followers and subscribers, in case you’d like to support me in my work. So, for Lammastide, the seasonal special is 23% off a yearly subscription to this blog! Use this button below.
Subscribers get to respond and reply to posts. You also get one free tarot reading, if you want one…and most importantly, you have my happy gratitude for generously supporting my work.
Thank you as always for reading and for following my adventures. May your Lammas be full of warm summer colors and fragrant summer flowers and luscious summer fruits!