Lammastide Subscription Special (23% off) active until August 15th

Hello, friends. This is just a timely reminder. My Lammas post last week announced a yearly subscription special of 23% off the regular price. Now, I know many of you follow a lot of bloggers and content creators here, and it can be hard to keep track of them all, and probably hard to support all of them financially. I follow a lot of blogs here myself, and can only afford pay subscriptions to a few of them, so I also make sure to get free subscriptions to the writers whose work I follow and enjoy.
If you’d like to support my ongoing work examining paganism, witchcraft and the occult as portrayed in popular culture, a paid subscription is a great way to do that. You can also attend online lectures which I give occasionally—more coming later this year!

Specifically, by getting a paid subscription, you’d be helping me devote more time to my book in progress, The Witching Hour: How Witchcraft Enchanted the World, which is coming along well, especially since I am now represented by an agent to help shepherd this important project on its journey. If you’d like to get this subscription special, use this button.
Please know that this content will always be free. A paid subscription allows you to comment on posts, and also, to show my gratitude, you’re entitled to one free tarot reading! Or, if you prefer, a personally curated list of film and TV suggestions prepared by me, for you.
Many thanks to you all for following my work over the years, starting with Witchvox and journeying through several blog platforms. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me.